Unforunately the producers apparently shot their creative wad on the first half. The second part was devoid of humor, apocalyptic drama, or anything approaching originality. Guess what? The hero scientist was chosen to lead a suicide mission to the moon to insert a magnetic field flux capacitor (which only he knew how to build) in the only possible crevasse as defined by the heroic German scientist (who of course was the only person alive with the requisite knowledge of lunar geology to do this). The idea was that they would create a magnetic field which would propel Gary Coleman (whoops, I meant the brown dwarf) out of the moon and into the gravitational field of the sun, thus returning the moon to its original orbit and saving the earth for more dramas like this.
Instead of more fun special fx, societal chaos, and gripping action we were burdened with 1.5 hours of watching the heroic scientist's children and grampa struggle with the situation. Outside of a pretty good scene where grampa's caddy escaped the hold of gravity for a short flight, it mostly consisted of the doe eyed little scamps working up bogus tears while grampa succumbed to the longest heart attack in television history. I confess that after the death of grampa I fell asleep missing the heroic moon repair mission. I still have this mess on the DVR but I suspect that early round matches of Wimbledon will take precedence. I just don't seem to care if they saved the planet or not...